Zwei Frauen arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop

MARGA Management

One business game program  – different formats



Frau und Mann schauen gemeinsam auf den MARGA Marktforschungsbericht

The Management Training

Our intensive and sustainable MARGA management training is an open business game program in which individuals or groups can participate regardless of company or industry. We offer the program as online, in-class or Blended Learning solution.

The program is suitable for career starters, specialists and executives with and without a buiness background who want to deepen their management knowledge. The MARGA Management Training uses the classic general management simulation.


4 Personen sitzen lachend an einem Tisch und zwei Personen geben sich ein High-Five

The program

In the MARGA Management Training, participants acquire comprehensive management know-how and learn to think and act entrepreneurially.

In a dynamic and realistic competition, the participants, divided into small teams, manage their own virtual company with all its divisions and functions over four simulation periods. Taking current political and economic factors into account, they develop a competitive strategy. They translate this into operational decisions in their virtual company.

They are responsible for strategic planning and all operational areas of the company (marketing, sales, production, human resources, logistics, finance, etc.). The participants make decisions as a team, analyze results and compete directly against other teams. Efficient controlling ensures transparency and provides comprehensive information for well-founded decisions. The aim is to increase the value of the company as measured by Economic Value Added (EVA).

The MARGA Online Course “Financial Basics” is also an integral part of the program. As individual training with learning success control, the course teaches the basics of internal and external accounting and thus offers an optimal theoretical basis that can be transferred to the business game. In an online warm-up prior to the training, all participants receive an introduction to the online course and the program

All participants:

  • make real business decisions
  • translate strategic decisions into operational measures
  • learn about the interaction of all functional areas in the overall business context
  • control operational processes and see how they are reflected in accounting
  • align their own range of products and services to the needs of customers
  • use controlling information to make well-founded decisions
  • organize themselves in a team and compete directly against other teams

In the training, social skills are trained through team interaction in addition to specialist skills (management know-how) and methodological skills (concrete application of specialist knowledge in the business game). Among other things, participants strengthen their communication, conflict and teamwork skills.

Game-based learning in the MARGA business simulation also has a positive effect on personal skills. Self-confidence and personal responsibility, but also a high level of frustration tolerance and resilience are strengthened through challenges or even failures in the course of the game.

During the prgram the teams are intensivley accompanied by competent MARGA trainers who support them with professional feedback.

In alternation to the active business game periods, expert lectures on business topics take place in the classroom format. In the online formats, learning videos are available for which open questions can be clarified in live Q&A sessions. Topics are e.g.:

  • Understanding Controlling
  • Implementing strategies
  • Creating company value

Repeatedly, decision-making situations from the business game are taken up and examined in terms of content. In addition, experienced tutors guide participants through group sessions and support them during self-directed teamwork.

The combination of guided theoretical modules and individual game-based learning in a dynamic business game competition and virtual teamwork creates a particularly sustainable learning effect.

The formats

We offer the training in various formats. Depending on your organizational requirements, you can choose between:

  • Online

    4-week simulation-based
    e-learning program

    Next date: March 27 – April 24, 2025

  • In-class

    3-day compact seminar
    on site

    Next date: May 14 – 16, 2025 in Cologne

  • Blended Learning

    6-week training course as a combination of online and face-to-face phases

    Next date: On request

Ideensammlung eines Teams auf Fensterglas

The program at a glance:

Target Group: Career starters, specialists and executives with or without a background in business administration

Format: Online, in-class or blended learning, depending on organizationals conditions

Language: German & English

Learning Contents: Management Know-how, business administration skills, business decision-making skills & teamwork

Tool: modern & intuitive business game software with current scenarios on economic developments

Tutoring: content-related tutoring and subject-related webinars or lectures by experienced experts with a bachground in business studies

Online Course „Financial Basics“: included in the program as a theoretical foundation for internal and external accounting

Download factsheet

Are you interested
in our MARGA
business game?

Book a free online meeting now. We are always there for you personally and will be happy to consult you.

Dr. Christoph Heinen während eines Webinars
Eine Frau und ein Mann arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop

A selection of our customers

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Registration MARGA Management Training


  • The participation fee per person for the MARGA Management Training as online format is EUR 2,240 plus VAT.
  • The participation fee per person for the MARGA Management Training as in-class format is EUR 2,680 plus VAT.
  • The participation fee per person for the MARGA Management Training as blended learning format is EUR 2,920 plus VAT.
  • Every fifth person from a company takes part free of charge.
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