Fotomontage von einemer Globus auf einer Tastatur

Technology Management

Practical and sustainable training in the business game
Foto einer Frau mit einem Helm in einem Lagerhaus trägt

Technological change as focus in the
business game

Technological change characterizes many industries. Products and services are subject to constant development pressure in order to keep ahead of the competition. At the same time, cost pressure requires investment in the digitalization and automation of efficient operational processes. Against the backdrop of more complex products, more elaborate development processes and generally shorter product life cycles, technology management is becoming increasingly relevant.

Gruppe von Leuten sitzt am Tisch und diskutiert

The business simulation MARGA actively addresses many trade-offs and decision-making situations with the scenario Technology Management.

  • When is the right time to implement new technologies and to offer products based on them?
  • How is the company positioning itself? As ‘First Mover’, ‘Follower’ or ‘Non-Mover’?
  • Which economic impact do these decisions have?
  • How do liquidity and profit change, and are the costs of capital covered?

Technology management is gaining in importance against the background of more complex products and development processes as well as shorter product life cycles.

Benefits of the business game

  • Realistic market

    In our business simulation, we simulate current political and economic developments. This creates a dynamic environment that constantly confronts our teams with new challenges.

  • Teamwork

    Participants train their teamwork skills by making all decisions together as a team. The direct competition between the teams generates emotions and enthusiasm.

  • Sustainable

    Learning by doing and the repeated application of what has been learned promote the practical transfer to the participants’ own area of work and lead to a lasting learning effect.

  • Personal

    We work exclusively with our own experienced and highly qualified trainers, who provide reliable support in terms of both content and organization.

A selection of our customers

Are you interested
in our MARGA
business game?

Book a free online meeting now. We are always there for you personally and will be happy to consult you.

Frau mit Tablet im Business Look
Gruppe von Leuten sitzt am Tisch und diskutiert
Foto von einem Business Meeting

Program contents

The participants

  • learn about the opportunities and risks of a ‘first mover’, ‘follower’ and ‘non-mover’ strategy.
  • use information from controlling to make well-founded decisions.
  • learn about the business management challenges in technology-driven companies.
  • finance major development investments.

Target group

  • Get to know the challenges of technology companies from a business management perspective
  • Learn more about the close integration of all company area
  • Take own decisions as part of an overall corporate strategy
  • Know the managerial challenges within the technology sector
  • Align management decisions to overall company target systems
  • Develop and accept the own role as a decision maker

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy to help you!

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