Four people sit together in front of a laptop.

Our programs

The suitable training for your company

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Your options

The MARGA offer includes open programs in which individuals or teams from different companies can participate, as well as individual inhouse solutions. Are you looking for a tailor-made business game program for a large number of employees? Together we will develop an inhouse concept that draws on proven program processes and is tailored to your needs.

You can choose the format, time frame and focus of the content. Would you like to enable individual employees to take part in our management training courses? Then send them to one of our open programs, which take place on fixed dates at least once a year and, depending on the format, as an online, face-to-face or blended learning seminar.

Drei Männer arbeiten am Laptop und lachen

Our open programs

We offer seven open programs in various formats. The focus of the online business game competitions and management training lays on general management.

In the board game and the online course, the focus is on financial basics. Choose the right format for you depending on your target group and organizational conditions.

Overview open programs

Our open programs take place on fixed dates at least once a year and can be booked for individuals or teams.

  • MARGA Online Competition

    In the Online Competition, participants compete as a team with other companies for six months – until the online live final, to which only the best four teams are invited.

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  • Management Training – Online

    The four-week online business game seminar offers a mix of guided online modules, individual learning and virtual teamwork. Experienced MARGA coaches provide the participants with intensive support.

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  • Management Training – in-class

    In the in-class business game seminar, participants train entrepreneurial thinking and action over three intensive seminar days. There is an exciting alternation of technical presentations and their practical implementation in the business game.

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  • Management Training – Blended Learning

    As a multimedia management training course, the blended learning seminar utilizes the dynamics of the business game and combines the advantages of the classroom seminar with the strengths of the online business game.

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  • Board game seminar “Financial Basics”

    Our haptic board game teaches the basics of accounting in a playful way. They see (and hear) vividly how their money increases or decreases on the board as a result of their own decisions.

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  • Online Course “Financial Basics”

    In the four-week online program, we combine the online course with topic-related webinars. In the live sessions, our MARGA trainers pick up on the content of the course and expand on it.

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  • Online business game competition
    “MARGA for Students”

    MARGA for Students is a dynamic and realistic online business game competition in which students from all over the world compete against each other in teams over a period of two months.

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  • Do you prefer an inhouse program?

    We also offer our open programs as in-house solutions. In doing so, we focus on your target groups and your organizational framework.

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Frau steht hinter Mann und schaut lachend auf seinen Computer

Our offer:

  • Every fifth person or every fifth team of a company participates free of charge. This offer does not apply to MARGA for Students and the Online Course ‘Financial Basics’.
  • We grant universities a 50% discount on participation in the MARGA Online Competition as part of their initial training.
  • New customers can register their first team for MARGA for Students free of charge.

What our customers say

MARGA has been an established partner for many customers since 1971. Our partners use MARGA successfully in various target groups across all industries.

Portaitfoto eines MARGA Teilnehmers

Through the MARGA Business Simulation, I understood the connection between marketing, production and finance and how the decisions in each area affect the value of the company. Great Management Training – The online game was a lot of fun especially thanks to the competent and dedicated MARGA coaches. I would recommend the training to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge in business management and financial ratios.

Dr. Tilmann Fahlbusch, Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH
Portraitfoto einer braunhaarigen Frau

It was a professional pleasure having participated in MARGA! Not only because of the managerial knowledge I have refreshed and put into practice, but also because of the colleagues I had the opportunity to team up with. Apart from that, recognition must be given to the MARGA support team’s members, who were always happy to help out each and every team in the competition. If I had the chance to participate again, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes!

Priscila Pedrón Luzón Participant MARGA Online Competition, Deutsche Bahn
Portraitfoto eines MARGA Kunden

The MARGA board game was used as part of our first-time onboarding program for our new commercial trainees. The seminar conveyed the functionality of a company and especially the fundamentals of accounting in a comprehensive  and practical manner and thus made an important contribution to the new training program of our management trainees. The feedback from the participants concerning the onboarding program as well as the market-leading business simulation MARGA was thoroughly positive.

André M. Steeg Senior Executive Manager, Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG
Portraitfoto eines MARGA Kunden

Where else can high potentials and young professionals practice to act as real entrepreneurs? We play MARGA with mixed teams in which we combine current with former trainees. Like this we achieve interdisciplinary and self organized groups. It’s amazing how much our teams learned about strategy, business management and market development in such a short time. They will certainly benefit from this experience during their day-to-day business. Above all, they both learned and laughed a lot – what a great combination.

Florian Conradi Former Program Manager Trainees EnBW
Portraitfoto einer MARGA Kundin

According to my present experience as head of marketing and finding myself somewhere between economy, development and education at the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts), I highly value the transformative advantage of this learning tool between knowledge and action. It easily develops entrepreneurial skills.

Gisela Hühn, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Inhouse business games

In a joint dialog, we develop a concept that draws on proven program processes and can also be adapted to your individual needs.


  • Customized business games

    We develop flexible programs for you with different thematic focuses in the following formats: face-to-face, online or blended learning. We focus on your target groups and your organizational framework.

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  • Events

    Our MARGA business simulation game is an absolute highlight at company events because it combines enthusiasm and team building with management know-how.

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Are you interested
in our MARGA
business game?

Book a free online meeting now. We are always there for you personally and will be happy to consult you.

Dr. Christoph Heinen während eines Webinars
Eine Frau und ein Mann arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop

Impressions of our programs

The MARGA board game
Participants in a MARGA business game work in the software
Woman writes something on flipchart
Three women take notes
Three people look at the screen
A man and a woman laugh into the camera
Cheering team
One man strikes a winning pose and the other laughs.
Men working on the laptop
Woman and man look at notes
Man and woman sitting happily together
Marga participants sit at a table and look ahead
Man looking at women concentrating on notes
Zwei Männer schauen konzentriert auf Laptop

A selection of our customers

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