Zwei Männer sitzen an einem Laptop und lachen in die Kamera

MARGA Online Course
“Financial Basics”

as online program with with guided webinars

Finance for Non-Financials in four weeks

We offer the Online Course “Financial Bascis”  not only as a pure e-learning course, but also as an online program with accompanying specialist webinars. The online course teaches the basics of internal and external accounting using a comprehensive case study. In addition to the explanatory components, it includes active exercises for direct application and consolidation of the learning content.

In our four-week online program, we combine the online course with topic-related webinars. In the live sessions, our MARGA trainers discuss the content of the course and expand on it. Webinars on the following topics are held in line with the individual chapters of the online course: Financial reports, key figures, cost accounting and value-based management.


  • Warm-Up

    The program starts with a 30-minute warm-up in which participants get to know their MARGA trainers and receive an overview of the program. They also receive an introduction to the Online Course “Financial Bascis”.

  • Online Course

    The participants complete the online course flexibly and independently as individual training. The learning content is conveyed using a continuous case study. Between the explanatory components, participants actively complete exercises and receive direct feedback to monitor their learning success. During the self-directed course, they can make use of the individual tutoring of MARGA experts at any time.

  • Webinars

    Accompanying the online course, webinars are held on fixed dates. In the online sessions, we take up the content of the current chapter in the course, deepen it and answer possible questions. A webinar lasts an average of 75 minutes. It is recorded and can be accessed afterwards.

Eine Frau arbeitet an ihrem Laptop

The program
at a glance

Target Group: experts and managers with and without managerial background

Language: English & German

Format: interactive e-learning course with guided live online sessions

Next start date: On request

Effort: approx. three hours per week, high flexibility in planning

Duration: four weeks

Price: 1,080 € per person

Tutoring: content-related tutoring and subject-related webinars or lectures by experienced experts

You are interested in this Programm?

Arrange an individual meeting. We are always there for you personally and will be happy to advise you.

Dr. Christoph Heinen during a webinar
A woman and a man are working together in front of a laptop

Learning contents

The Online Course “Financial Basics” consists of several consecutive parts:


  • Introduction

    The functions of managerial accounting and their importance to the company’s success

  • Balance sheet – Income statement – Cash flow statement

    Structure and systematic as well as relevance for the company management and investors

  • Key figures

    Need for performance indicators as well as their application and analysis

  • Cost accounting

    Price calculation based on full and direct cost accounting, make-or-buy decisions

  • Value-based

    Successful management taking into account the cost of capital

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Online Course
“Financial Basics” for your company

  • Package: The Online Course can be booked as package including 10 licences at the price of 950 Euro (plus VAT). The application time is six months.
  • Inhouse Program: Book the online course as part of a customer-specific inhouse program including a kick-off and a final event via web-conference.
  • Corporate licence: Anchor the basics of business finance in your company.

A selection of our customers

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