Ein Teilnehmer am MARGA Planspiel analysiert den Marktforschungsbericht

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Making finance & controlling tangible

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Promoting finance skills in the company

Employees can only make competent decisions in the interests of the company if they understand the company as a whole. This also means that they have to deal with the financial interrelationships within the company.

How can abstract topics such as finance and controlling be taught most effectively? A textbook or a traditional business administration seminar can teach the theoretical basics. However, a deeper understanding of financial contexts can only be developed if employees also apply the knowledge and practice it in a dynamic learning environment. This is exactly what business simulations offer.

Would you like to find out more? Then download our free white paper.

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in our MARGA
business game?

Book a free online meeting now. We are always there for you personally and will be happy to consult you.

Dr. Christoph Heinen während eines Webinars
Eine Frau und ein Mann arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop

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  • Whitepaper: Making Finance & Controlling tangible

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