10 good reasons

10 good reasons, why MARGA Business Simulations is the best partner for your talent management

Author: Daniele Kilian

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Categorie: HR Impulse

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Hands holding up all 10 fingers

10 good reasons, why MARGA is the best partner for your talent management

Because MARGA…

1. … as the first German provider of business simulations – since 1971 – stands for high-quality and sustainable management training measures.

2. … with its two strong partners: the business school ESMT Berlin and the publishing group Handelsblatt, provides practical knowledge for the economy –  state-of-the-art and at highest academic level.

3. … employs the “Learning by Doing” method to encourage participants to apply their newly gained managerial knowledge to specific decision-making situations in the simulation.

4. … mirrors a realistic and dynamic market environment in which participants can test the practical application of their managerial decisions and strategies without risk.

5. … provides highly emotional moments by means of a dynamic competition, which in turn consolidates the knowledge in a unique manner.

6. … trains management in various formats: either completely online, in-class and even combined as a blended learning program. Thus it can be flexibly integrated into your existing training programs.

7. … makes every effort to realize the right program suitable for your target group and your individual requirements, respectfully according to your needs and your budget. As soon as you have registered your participants, we take over the complete process of communication, organization and collaboration, in which we keep you closely updated to the according extent you would like to be involved and you expect from us.

8. … works exclusively with its own experienced and highly qualified trainers, who are reliable in terms of content as well as organization. Our trainers are out and about for our customers all over the world – you decide wherewhen and how we can support you.

9. … is suitable as a generic business simulation for companies from all sectors of both industry and service.

10. … offers high-quality training at fair and transparent prices.

Do you have any questions or are you interested in our business simulation?

We will be happy to help you! Book a free consultation meeting in just a few clicks.

Woman with tablet in business look
Picture of MARGA Managing Partner Christoph Heinen
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