Tutorial notes & literature
as part of the MARGA Toolbox
as part of the MARGA Toolbox
As part of the MARGA Toolbox, we provide instructional letters that address fundamental and current management topics and explain them in an easily understandable way using the example of the MARGA company.
Further literature is recommended for professional consolidation. The MARGA teaching letters serve to deepen the content of management content and explain the relationships directly using the business game.
The following tutorial notes are currently available:
The tutorial note “Managerial Basics” gets the basics and interrelations of economic management, controlling and value-based business management across.
Further reading is recommended, for example:
The ESMT Publications contain articles, books and working papers in the fields of Research Publications as well as Management Insights and Policies.
Fromt the ESMT publication series:
Busse von Colbe / Coenenberg / Kajüter / Linnhoff / Pellens Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag
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