MARGA Online Competition 2023/2024: The finalist team from SCHOTT reports on their experiences.
MARGA Online Competition 2023/2024: The finalist team from SCHOTT reports on their experiences.
Participating in the MARGA business simulation offered an excellent opportunity to face extensive and diverse challenges. These ranged from complex business decisions within the simulation to team coordination.
The physical separation of our team, which spanned three continents, presented us with particular difficulties, demanded our flexibility, but also promoted our ability to collaborate remotely. Despite the geographical challenges, these circumstances gave us the chance to strengthen our team dynamics and expand our collective knowledge. We learned to pool our individual strengths and create synergies that went far beyond the limits of the simulation. The development of our soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving, was intensified by the need to act as a unified team.
The necessity to make strategic decisions that would ensure the financial stability and growth of our virtual company was a challenging task. We had to analyze market trends, plan investments, and simultaneously keep an eye on customer satisfaction.
These tasks deepened our analytical skills and our understanding of the business environment. The simulation was a reflection of the real business world, where time pressure and unpredictable events are commonplace. We learned to deal with uncertainties and adjust our strategies accordingly.
Throughout both the main round and the finals, we were continually faced with new challenges. However, at the end of the last main round of the MARGA business simulation, we fought our way into the top four with determination and team spirit. Despite sometimes sobering prospects, we never lost courage.
Our hard work and unwavering resolve paid off when we ascended from fourth to an impressive second place in the last final round. This achievement was no accident; it was the result of preparation, analysis, and strategic planning. We saw every setback as an opportunity to refine our strategies and become stronger as a team. Our journey through the MARGA simulation was a living example that with dedication and perseverance, even the most difficult challenges can be overcome.
In summary, the MARGA business simulation not only enabled us to expand our theoretical knowledge and subsequently apply it in practice but also to refine our personal competencies.
The experiences we gathered during the simulation were invaluable and have prepared us for future professional challenges. MARGA allowed us to grow beyond ourselves and shine both as individuals and as a team.
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