Two people make decisions in the MARGA board game

Dr. Oetker

MARGA board game convinces commercial trainees with Dr. Oetker

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Onboarding program for trainees

Our customer Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG has integrated a MARGA business simulation in its onboarding program for trainees for the first time. The MARGA board game was used during the three-day in-class event. In this active training, the participants ran their own company founded for this purpose in teams and worked out three successive simulation periods.

With the help of the game board, event cards and coins, they were able to vividly experience how the money increases – or even decreases – through their own decisions. Entrepreneurial relationships in general and the basics of accounting in particular were conveyed in a clear and playful manner.

Four people stand in front of a table and play the MARGA board game.

Seminar manager Andreas Nill intensively supported the participants during their teamwork and gave direct feedback. Again and again he gave appropriate input for the respective situation and initiated discussions among the participants. The seminar manager´s suggestion that the virtual company could be bought by the participants themselves after the first round was particularly exciting. Which price seems to be appropriate?

Hence, the most important facets of company valuation were discussed in a practical and incidentally manner. Finally, the participants opened their own wallets and started acting as entrepreneurs. The winning team finally achieved a very respectable result after three periods.

The initiator of the onboarding program was extremely satisfied

Incidentally, Mr. Steeg himself once participated in the MARGA business simulation some 30 years ago and initiated the use of MARGA for Dr. Oetker trainees, not least because of his experience at that time.

Profile picture of a MARGA customer

„The MARGA board game was used as part of our onboarding program for our new commercial trainees for the first time. The seminar conveyed the functionality of a company and especially the fundamentals of accounting in a comprehensive and practical manner and thus made an important contribution to the new training program of our management trainees. The feedback from the participants concerning the onboarding program as well as the market-leading business simulation MARGA was thoroughly positive.“

André M. Steeg Senior Executive Manager and Brand Ambassador , Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG

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